Dataset Information

Conventions: uvmat
nb_coord: 2.000000000000000
nb_dim: 2.000000000000000
Time: 70.55000000000027

Variables in this Dataset

coord_y: Array of 64 bit Reals [coord_y = 0..44]
coord_x: Array of 64 bit Reals [coord_x = 0..241]
U: Grid
Role: vector_x
U: Array of 64 bit Reals [coord_x = 0..241][coord_y = 0..44]
Role: vector_x
coord_x: Array of 64 bit Reals [coord_x = 0..241]
coord_y: Array of 64 bit Reals [coord_y = 0..44]
V: Grid
Role: vector_y
V: Array of 64 bit Reals [coord_x = 0..241][coord_y = 0..44]
Role: vector_y
coord_x: Array of 64 bit Reals [coord_x = 0..241]
coord_y: Array of 64 bit Reals [coord_y = 0..44]
FF: Grid
Role: errorflag
FF: Array of 64 bit Reals [coord_x = 0..241][coord_y = 0..44]
Role: errorflag
coord_x: Array of 64 bit Reals [coord_x = 0..241]
coord_y: Array of 64 bit Reals [coord_y = 0..44]