Project title: Input data for the mepels system Short project name: 19MEPELS List of authors: - Julien Chauchat LEGI UMR5519 Grenoble - Sylvain Ferraris LEGI UMR5519 Grenoble - Hassan Shafiei LEGI UMR5519 Grenoble - Cyrille Bonamy LEGI UMR5519 Grenoble Description ----------- The data for Truc Vert beach, Biscarosse and Gravelines come from the SHOM and are given in their original projection and vertical reference. The lip data in matlab files format (.mat) which contains the bathymetric data, wave measurements and velocity and concentration profiles measurements for cases LIP1b and LIP1c configuration. The matlab script allows to generate the figures contained in the folder Figures which are similar to the figures presented in the original report. OpenData License: licence-ouverte-v2.0 ---- Automatically generated file by project-meta.